Tag Archives: poems

Broken Ceilings


(photo of where my son’s father broke into my apartment through the ceiling…one of many tragic events I was still working through when this happened…)

Broken Ceilings

I am isolated, I am alone,

Where my past brings back the terrors that come at night,

And I am a prisoner to the secrets of my own transgressions;

I live in the darkness,

Where the sun is reticent,

And naught of the existence I once had remains;

I can not find my way out of all the lies among the ruins,

Where I am blinded by delusions,

And the ceiling breaks, it’s caving in all around me;

I am a corpse, fragile, brittle, and weak,

Where my sacrifice was less than what fate would take,

And the murky watery graves are buried in the abyss beneath the surface;

I am lost, gone, ne’er to be seen again,

Where the burden I bear is too severe,

And my heart afflicted such that death is welcome, desirable;

Less to suffer, less to endure, less to sustain…in this life I am no longer living.



Filed under Poem