Tag Archives: leave

Mirage of Love and Death

Found some inspiration from A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe


I wish only that I was his!

Watching, waiting until ‘mes’ (my)

Life is something different from what it is

Sad do the days go by

Alone until the time Death comes and I shall die

Then will you remember me?

Maybe then I will be free

From your love that was never mine

If only there was a sign,

That I am wrong

And I hear our love as if it were a song.

I hold my breath under the sea

Until I see Death again coming for me

He grasps my hand;

Suddenly I am upon the land

Why me is it that he would save?

He answers ‘You I know, you who can be much more brave’

And then he walks away

But I am not ready to stay

Unless with me right here you will lay

How far you are across this desert I am banned

And from where I now stand

There is no hope for ‘us’

So letting go, I have learned through the many years, I must.


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