Tag Archives: journey


So, I read Dan Brown’s Inferno and I liked it much better than the last one.  Loved Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, and now Inferno.  I really like that he keeps you turning the next page because its so fast pace you have to know what happens next.  But really my main reason for blogging about this is to mention an idea I had when I first read The Divine Comedy (yes, my name in Italian is the word ‘divine’!), and I thought if only I didn’t have to look up some of these words or people I don’t know.  There was always another reference to explaining something or other.  So I have recently began my own journey into the dark forest and through the Inferno (and eventually Purgatory and Paradise), in which the ye’s and thou’s will be gone, it will be in chapter form instead of a poem, and words changed if need be, while people are explained to be who they are in the text; but without taking away from the original work.  I am sure I am not the first person to attempt this endeavor, and I have no idea if anyone would publish it but it is something to do to distract me on my bad days.  It has kept me busy, and if no one wants to publish maybe it is a new blog idea after I post my life of 30 years in 30 days.  

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A Poem based on the Minor Arcana

An Unexpected Journey

Time to move

Towards something I cannot yet see

Somewhere safe

Amid my strife

I cannot defeat

I try to find my own escape

Always watching…waiting

As my burdens are too hard to bear

Leaving me buried in the desert sand, my soul has gone

Burned away by a fire deep within

Rain falls

I feel someone now close by

I need for him to stay, but he is already gone

And all that is left, is the past

I dream of him

Until he fades away

Wishful thinking

Won’t bring him back

So I drown again as life moves on

And close my heart, afraid to feel again

The wind blows past

Carrying with it an uneasy calm

My heart still full of sorrow, I seek relief

But something else is there that will not leave

A prisoner of my own fears

I can no longer discern my dreams from reality

Now my mind has lost control

Pain is the only thing that reminds me I am alive

And so I cut myself

To see if I still bleed

I try to find my balance on the edge

To find a way out of my broken thoughts

I lean on those around me

That have been by my side this whole time

Steady and patient

Until I see my old self once again

I  come back to earth, and I have learned

Through all the misery and the pain

Someone was always there, even if unseen


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