Tag Archives: Italy

A Poem Written for a Friend and His Grandmother

Maria (Italian) 

Ogni vita è un filo,
tessuto, misurato e tagliato,
La vita scorre come un fiume
fino alla Morte
che ha preso la sua anima
che è bella
come lo era lei
Tutto ciò che rimane
sono i ricordi del passato
Così triste e solo,
chiudi gli occhi
e lei è lì
così forte e dolce
e anche se la vita va avanti
lei non se ne andrà mai
Non dimenticarla
e amala sempre e per sempre

Maria (English)

Every life is a thread;
Woven, measured, and cut
As life flows like a river
Until Death
Who took her soul
That is as beautiful
As was she
And all that remains
Are memories of the past
So sad and alone
Close your eyes
And she is there
Dream of her
So strong and so sweet
And as life moves on
She will never leave
Forget her not
And love her always and forever…


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734165_10100417867806756_2106840063_nIt is 1:34am in OH to which I have woken up from that wonderful thing we call sleep only to not be able to get back there.  My name is Davina, I am 30, I am a single mom to a 3 year old son, and we have a Siamese kitten named Sansa.  I love coffee and hate tea, I am afraid to drive on the highway which may have something to do with not learning to drive until I was 21, I love Game of Thrones but have yet to see the third season, I hate that the one guy I have always been in love with lives in London, has always been there for me, and is my perfect guy whom I met in Italy 4 years ago but sadly we have had a long distance relationship ever since and I never see that changing, and I am the most excited I have been in the past year because I am going to see Mumford & Sons at the end of the month!  My first attempt at blogging was an intro about myself on another wordpress page Belle Donne that my friend started, and has 5 of us girls contributing to (yes there will be a link to that page also when we get things going a little more).  I love to write, and I found that blogging maybe a good way for me to clear my head.  I tend to write for myself anyway so why not share if it might help someone else who is struggling with a situation like mine?  What I like to write, and will be seen on our group blog, are things that make people stop and think.  That is what I want to do, give people a chance to just reflect on life, and the life they know compared to others.  This page was created for a completely different reason.  Between now and September 1 I will post a few different things for you to get to know me for who I am now.  I believe that will help because from September 1-September 30 there will be one blog per day for each year of my life: 30 years in 30 days.  Some people may say it has been an interesting life I have led, I would describe it more as fucked up.  The universe decide at a very young age for me that about 90% of my life would revolve around negative events I would have to overcome that were more or less out of my control.  I also want people to feel something when they read my writing whether it be happiness and laughter, sadness and tears, anger and resentment, forgiveness and understanding, and more.  We all feel these things in our daily lives, but we do not allows allow ourselves to truly feel them because we are always distracted by that thing we call life.  I will leave you with this for my first blog on my page…I picked the main photo I have up so far, and for this blog, was not to show you have beautiful my shoulder happens to be, but because it shows a smiling playful side to me even after everything I have been through.  If you can laugh and smile through all your pain, eventually you can make it out the other side.  This blog is also going to be very personal and it is somewhat exposing myself by showing off my most recent tattoo in sanskrit that has a very deep, and personal meaning to me, and I am sure countless others as it is used in modern mantras even today:  ‘Lead me from ignorance to truth, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality, Om peace, peace peace’…


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