Tag Archives: Arts

Mirage of Love and Death

Found some inspiration from A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe


I wish only that I was his!

Watching, waiting until ‘mes’ (my)

Life is something different from what it is

Sad do the days go by

Alone until the time Death comes and I shall die

Then will you remember me?

Maybe then I will be free

From your love that was never mine

If only there was a sign,

That I am wrong

And I hear our love as if it were a song.

I hold my breath under the sea

Until I see Death again coming for me

He grasps my hand;

Suddenly I am upon the land

Why me is it that he would save?

He answers ‘You I know, you who can be much more brave’

And then he walks away

But I am not ready to stay

Unless with me right here you will lay

How far you are across this desert I am banned

And from where I now stand

There is no hope for ‘us’

So letting go, I have learned through the many years, I must.


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A Poem Written for a Friend and His Grandmother

Maria (Italian) 

Ogni vita è un filo,
tessuto, misurato e tagliato,
La vita scorre come un fiume
fino alla Morte
che ha preso la sua anima
che è bella
come lo era lei
Tutto ciò che rimane
sono i ricordi del passato
Così triste e solo,
chiudi gli occhi
e lei è lì
così forte e dolce
e anche se la vita va avanti
lei non se ne andrà mai
Non dimenticarla
e amala sempre e per sempre

Maria (English)

Every life is a thread;
Woven, measured, and cut
As life flows like a river
Until Death
Who took her soul
That is as beautiful
As was she
And all that remains
Are memories of the past
So sad and alone
Close your eyes
And she is there
Dream of her
So strong and so sweet
And as life moves on
She will never leave
Forget her not
And love her always and forever…


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