Monthly Archives: September 2013

Dowtown Troy/GOTR

Dowtown Troy/GOTR

inbetween bands downtown…#scared or excited?!

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September 4, 2013 · 5:28 am

GOTR w/friends

GOTR w/friends

waiting for Mumford & Sons to come one #fun

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September 4, 2013 · 5:27 am

30 Years in 30 Days is Over

ImageNot sure how to change this so writing a quick post.  Whether I was asked or not about if I was protecting others in certain situations, I have been censored on what I am allowed to actually post about certain things that are a part of my life.  I now understand the importance of freedom of speech more than I ever thought possible. I can not write about my life without it including a lot of other people, and whether or not their identies are concealed enough I would not know unless I had all of them find time to read my posts in advance.  This means I can no longer be open and honest about what I have been through in the past 30 years.  There is no longer a post per day after today, but I will continue to try and post other things that still give one to pause when thinking about their own ‘Perspective on Life’ as I can.  Thank you, Davina

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I was going to post pics and a bit about my time at the festival…the computer (yes I am blaming the computer!) deleted all my pics!!! 😦  So a bit later I will just start ’30 years in 30 days’ (though it was fun and so worth going!) 🙂

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