Broken Ceilings


(photo of where my son’s father broke into my apartment through the ceiling…one of many tragic events I was still working through when this happened…)

Broken Ceilings

I am isolated, I am alone,

Where my past brings back the terrors that come at night,

And I am a prisoner to the secrets of my own transgressions;

I live in the darkness,

Where the sun is reticent,

And naught of the existence I once had remains;

I can not find my way out of all the lies among the ruins,

Where I am blinded by delusions,

And the ceiling breaks, it’s caving in all around me;

I am a corpse, fragile, brittle, and weak,

Where my sacrifice was less than what fate would take,

And the murky watery graves are buried in the abyss beneath the surface;

I am lost, gone, ne’er to be seen again,

Where the burden I bear is too severe,

And my heart afflicted such that death is welcome, desirable;

Less to suffer, less to endure, less to sustain…in this life I am no longer living.



Filed under Poem

4 responses to “Broken Ceilings

  1. Might I ask if your son’s father is a sociopath…or narcissistic? I am currently writing a book about my past with a soc. narc. It’s slow in the making because it’s so hard to face the past, but I’m tying to throw some humor into it to make it more digestible…..

    • I will be trying to do the same thing when I start writing about my life one here! None of us actually saw it coming, he tried to be a ‘function’ heroin addict (among other drug), until it got out of his control mainly more than he could ‘afford’ ie bum money for. Is he diagnosised with anything, no but does he definitely have some tendencies with mental illness whether before or after the drugs, yes! If you want to know anything, its going on here anyway!, I can email you about him, and actually my mom and mainly my half brother do know they have always had psych issues (myself I could also include but it would only be after I had my son); I can email you anytime if it would help with your book!

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